Why You Deserve Nourishment- No Matter What

It’s time to stop withholding food from your body based on its external appearance.⁣ Restricting foods, cutting calories, and eating less all mean withholding nourishment you desperately need to feel good and thrive, but at minimum, to function.

Because your body deserves nourishment no matter its weight, shape, or size. All bodies do. Period.

But yet so many of us are waiting to focus on our health and nourish ourselves appropriately until we lose a certain amount of weight, or want to reach those goals first because we think that weight loss will automatically bring improved health- more energy, fewer cravings, better cycles, and more.

The opposite is true.

And it’s not our fault for thinking this. We've been heavily influenced by diet culture, by the media, by the food industry, and even mainstream nutrition advice that doesn’t have our best health in mind. Yet when we start to learn the ins and outs of nutrition, how our bodies function, and what they need to thrive, the truth begins making more sense.⁣

We’ve been programmed to think eating less food is “good” and eating more is “bad.”

When in reality, what and how much you eat have zero to do with your morality as a person. Plus, most women actually are under-eating and therefore, are under-nourished and depleted of nutrients. Eating more [nutrient-dense] food is almost always beneficial.⁣

We’ve been programmed to associate an increase in weight with a decrease in health.

When in reality, weight- especially when other more important metrics are ignored- is a shitty marker of health. Often, key health markers improve alongside an increase in weight or totally independent of it!⁣

In fact, gaining some weight can be a helpful part of the healing journey for many women. Sometimes, it’s temporary for the body to feel safe and secure. Other times, it may be permanent since it allows improved long-term physical and mental health. The body is smart and does what it needs to do when provided with the tools and environment that support healing.⁣

We’ve been programmed to strongly identify with our weight.⁣ 

When in reality, bodies change. We as humans change. And just like weight isn’t a great marker of health, it’s absolutely not a marker of beauty or self-worth or success, either.⁣

Fear of weight gain, apprehension about eating more food, and hesitance to try a new approach and get outside your comfort zone are all valid!

But as tough as these can be, we have to stop letting them get in the way of improved health and happiness. Because no matter what they may look like when our bodies function better, we feel better…. and the rest just falls into place. Let’s stop restricting our bodies of nourishment they need and instead, honor what’s necessary to thrive from the inside out.

Are you ready to do something different and start nourishing yourself the way your body wants? Click here to grab my free guide to Nourishing Yourself Fully. You’ll learn the key areas to focus on to fuel and nourish your body without restriction, guilt, or stress so that you can best support your physical and mental health. It also includes my go-to nourishing foods list and suggestions for simple meals and snacks so you have the guidance you need to get started.