The Secret to Loving Your Body

Guess what?

You can love your body now, just how it is.

The secret to doing that? It’s not “fixing” how your body looks. It’s changing your mindset.

But conveniently, no one told us this. Because they profit off of us hating our bodies. They benefit from preying on our vulnerabilities. They create customers for life by pushing a vicious cycle of dieting and shame.

Loving our bodies is something different than we’ve been led to believe.

It’s not about depriving and depleting them to try to force them to look a certain way just so that we can meet unrealistic and narrow expectations of health, fitness, and beauty and wondering why we feel like failures when we can’t reach these impossible and arbitrary standards.

It’s actually about respecting, honoring, appreciating, and nourishing our bodies without judgment regardless of how they look on the outside.

Isn’t it ironic how everything around us tells us we shouldn’t love our bodies unless they look a certain way, yet the idea of self-love is always pushed on us, making us feel bad for not loving ourselves?

Isn’t it ironic that diet culture and our thin-obsessed society that also praises high stress and overwork say they care about our health, yet fail to actually uphold any truth about what health actually is and how we achieve it?

And isn’t it ironic that everything we’re told to do to change and “improve” our bodies not only negatively impacts our health but doesn’t teach us how to love and care for ourselves fully?

Loving your body doesn’t mean you have to be head over heels in love with everything about it and feel totally content with exactly how it looks right now. It also doesn’t mean you've given up or given in.

Loving your body means you respect it, honor what it does for you every single day, and nourish and care for it unconditionally. You recognize that it’s unique and it may change over time but no matter what, it’s the only one you’ll get and needs to be nurtured.

Just imagine how different things could be if we were taught how to actually love our bodies.

Are you ready to start the journey toward loving yourself and most importantly, nourishing your body without judgment or shame? Click here to grab my free guide to Nourishing Yourself Fully. You’ll learn the key areas to focus on to fuel and nourish your body without restriction, guilt, or stress so that you can best support your physical and mental health.