Want to Heal Your Body? Start by Nourishing It Appropriately.

This isn’t something commonly taught, but addressing any health challenge or goal you have requires the appropriate nourishment first.

What does this mean?  To start, nourishment means building a foundation of eating enough food, which most women are not doing. It also means getting enough protein, fat, and carbohydrates as well as foods rich in vitamins and minerals- especially in forms our bodies know what to do with. 

And for many of us, it also means replenishing depleted nutrients, too- from chronic stress, dieting and nutrient restriction, hormonal birth control, pregnancy, gut dysfunction, and more.

You see, nourishment is a foundation of healing because it’s simply necessary for the body to run. We are literally fueled and built by the food we provide our bodies. 

Our bodies know what to do to be well- they’ve got the roadmap. Yet when they don’t have the energy and the environment to work properly, they are forced to adapt- they take shortcuts and rewire things to keep us alive. Chronic undernourishment, nutrient depletion, and stress all lead to this compensation in the body. Dysfunction arises. Symptoms appear as the foundations weaken, and over time, start to pile up and intensify. 

And before we know it, we’re feeling miserable. We start to experience symptoms like fatigue, irregular and painful periods, thyroid issues, bloating, constipation, hair loss, and more. Thriving isn’t currently possible, nor do our bodies really care- they are just aiming to survive and use the limited energy we have to make that happen at any cost. They’re just doing what they need to do in order to make it “work.”

We may be diagnosed with a condition, disorder, or disease. We may begin to chase different diets and supplements and visit doctor after doctor to desperately fix the issue at hand. Yet we never are given real solutions that last. We’re never taught how to support the body from the foundational level, especially why we need to begin there, instead of micromanaging and stressing ourselves out.

While we’re all unique in our own ways when it comes down to it, the individual symptoms and health challenges we experience can all be traced back to the same roots- this lack of nourishment and as a result, energy and nutrients needed to run on all cylinders.

If you want to finally learn how to nourish your body the way it needs so you can finally energize your body, support this innate healing, and feel amazing, then my online program, Nourished Roots, is perfect for you! 

Interested in seeing some of my pantry recommendations? Click here!