The Truth About Hormonal Birth Control

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say their doctor put them on the pill to “regulate” their cycle… well, I’d be rich but just as frustrated!

The truth is that hormonal birth control doesn’t regulate our cycles or fix our hormonal struggles. It’s a band-aid.

What do I mean by that? Well, whether it’s the pill or a hormonal IUD, hormonal birth control works by suppressing your natural hormone production so you can’t get pregnant. It blocks ovulation (which is key for fertility but also health), prevents you from producing fertile cervical mucus, and prevents your uterine lining from fully developing. Hormonal birth control essentially works by disrupting your whole hormonal system.

It does not address any root causes of period problems- including irregular cycles as well as intense cramps, PMS, acne, heavy bleeding, and other symptoms.

Irregular menstrual cycles and symptomatic periods or non-existent ones are actually signs- not something to just be covered up by synthetic hormones, especially if future baby-making is a goal. But even if it isn’t- regular, ovulatory cycles are important for long-term health.

Plus, hormonal birth control, especially the pill, has a long list of potential side effects and I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t made aware of ANY when I was put on it.

For example, did you know about any of the following potential side effects?

  • Depletion of key nutrients (including B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc) (1)

  • Disruption of the gut microbiome (2)

  • Increased risk of developing cervical cancer (3)

  • Increased risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges (4)

  • Decreased libido (sex drive)

  • Increased risk of blood clots (5)

  • Delayed return to fertility once you stop (6)

Many women also report other symptoms while on the pill or hormonal IUD like nausea, weight gain, missed periods, breast tenderness, spotting between “periods” (or withdrawal bleeds), and more.

So what can you do to actually balance your hormones naturally and support healthier cycles, periods, and fertility without synthetic hormones?

Here’s where I would recommend starting:

  1. If you’re on hormonal birth control but want to stop, discuss this medication change with your doctor first, including how and what to expect. 

  2. Work with a functional nutritionist or another qualified healthcare practitioner who knows how to support your body in the transitional period including replenishing nutrients, supporting gut health and detoxification, and getting back to ovulatory cycles. Coming off of hormonal birth control is not always a smooth ride but there is a lot you can do to make it better. 

  3. Consider the state of your liver. Your liver plays a huge role in detoxification but it is also responsible for breaking down hormones so that any waste can be eliminated from the body.  If your liver is unable to do its job properly, it can certainly lead to hormonal imbalances and the symptoms that come along with them. 

  4. Make the appropriate lifestyle changes. Female hormones are incredibly sensitive to stress and stress comes in many forms: physical, physiological, chemical, mental and emotional. If your body is stressed, your adrenal glands are taking a hit.  Your adrenal glands release the stress hormone cortisol and if cortisol is chronically elevated it can impact your blood sugar and your sex hormone production.

Please understand that by no means am I saying this topic is black and white.

For example:

Is hormonal birth control needed to prevent pregnancy? No.

Can a woman choose that method if she prefers? Yes!

Is hormonal birth control necessary to manage symptoms? No.

Can a woman decide to use it to lessen her symptoms, especially in managing conditions like endometriosis? Sure! 

Every woman has the right to choose what she does with her body, including what she puts in it. I fully support and believe in that!

My goal always is that we all have the information needed to make decisions that best support our health- that we’re given the whole story, the pros and cons, and the alternatives.

If your doctor has suggested the pill as a solution to your hormonal issues, but you feel like there must be another way, I’m here to help! Once you understand how your hormones work and how to nourish your body the way it needs so you support happy cycles, periods, and fertility, then my online program, Nourished Roots, is perfect for you! This self-paced course will be released soon, so get on my email list to be the first to hear when doors open up!

Interested in monitoring your fertility? Try the Inito Fertility Monitor or the Temp Drop Ovulation Tracker!