How to Have Better Periods

Better periods don’t come from a pill- definitely not from birth control, but also not even from that “natural” supplement you saw in an ad while scrolling.

Better periods come from a fully nourished, resilient body that can function the way it’s designed to.

Because our bodies know what to do. They’ve got the roadmap for healthy, happy hormones. They just need the tools and environment to make it happen.

If you thought having a better period wasn’t possible, I first want you to know that it is. I also want you to understand that you have the power to make it happen. 

So where to begin?

These are the 4 areas I suggest focusing on to improve your cycle and therefore, regulate your hormones, set the stage for ovulation, support fertility, and lessen period pain.

  1. Support a healthy metabolism: A thriving metabolism means your body creates and uses the energy to run all of its processes well each day without sacrificing or compensating.

  2. Nourish your body fully: A body that’s well nourished has plenty of the raw materials it needs to heal, rebuild, and maintain balance.

  3. Balance your blood sugar: Blood sugar that’s properly managed without drastic highs and lows means more stability and less release of stress hormones, which can disrupt sex hormone production, liver function, and more.

  4. Reduce your stress and toxic load: Tackling unnecessary excess stress and toxic load means your body isn’t overburdened and bogged down and is free to focus on the things it needs to without having to constantly put out fires.

And 1 more key piece to this?


Creating real, sustainable improvements in hormone health requires patience. It happens incrementally and may take a few cycles for your body to catch up. Be consistent, trust the process, and just be patient. 

If you have no idea where to start, head to the link in my bio and get my free Guide to Nourishing Yourself Fully. Ditching food restrictions and arbitrary rules and moving away from diet culture to start nourishing yourself on a deeper level will set the stage for this process to unfold (and make it much more enjoyable, too).