Frequently Asked Questions About Nourished Postpartum

Got questions about Nourished Postpartum? Here are answers to those most commonly asked.

Q: Life as a mom is super busy. How much time will I need to devote to this program?

Motherhood is full- I get it! This is one reason why I designed this program a certain way- so it can be accessible and doable for moms in the postpartum season, which can be demanding and unpredictable.

At minimum, I’d suggest devoting at least 1 hour but ideally 2 each week to Nourished Postpartum.

This includes time reviewing content and resources and participating in bi-weekly group calls- or at least tuning into the recordings. This can mean 1 hour on 2 days per week or under 20 minutes a day- whatever works for you! (Of course, you will likely take addition time once you get your HTMA results + protocol back to review!)

And the truth is- life as a mom is always going to be full. Getting guidance and support in your busiest season is actually going to help you lessen stress, reduce overwhelm, and nourish yourself best so that you’re resilient to the stress you’re under and are capable of tackling everything on your plate.

As you’ll continue to see, my approach is not one to pressure, guilt, or stress you out- and especially not one that expects perfection. Motherhood has no room for any of that. You’ll get information and recommendations, but are also encouraged to work within your own capacity. Just consistently show up and move through as it works best for you.

This is also why I offer lifetime access to the content + tons of PDF guides and resources. You can shelve things to look at or even revisit later if they don’t work for you right now! Postpartum is a period of intense change, so you may find that you’ll be ready for something more or even just different in a few months’ time!

If you can’t reserve an hour each week, it may be best to wait until the next round. Overloading yourself with limited capacity and creating more stress would go against the whole theme of this program! It’ll be here when you’re ready.

Q: I’m currently postpartum but not for the first time, would this still be helpful for me?

Absolutely! Whether with your first baby or not, postpartum is still a vulnerable time of so much internal and external change. While the first time-around can be intense, each postpartum experience can bring a unique set of challenges. And no matter what, postpartum deserves support and women need deep nourishment in this season.

And whether you are looking to learn more or take a different approach, or your earlier postpartum experience(s) was challenging and you want a more positive and supported one this time, Nourished Postpartum is the right program for you.

Put it this way- as a first time mom, I wish I’d had access earlier to the info I’ve learned in the last few years and used to help build this program. It’s been monumental in my healing though in implementing it 1 year postpartum through now.

Q: It’s been a few months/years since I had a baby. Can I still join?

Yep! Nourished Postpartum was actually designed to meet the needs of moms in the first years postpartum. Because we go through many different changes throughout the initial years after birth + postpartum depletion can impact moms up to a decade or more after they have their babies, I wanted this to be a program that provided support well beyond the fourth trimester + provided education and tools that are applicable at any stage of motherhood.

Nourishing your body as a mom is very similar whether you just had a baby or your kids are much older!

Q: What are the differences between 1:1 work and this program?

My 1:1 work is pretty intensive- it’s highly personalized and detailed, and requires a longer commitment of your time. It involves additional assessments and a more detailed protocol that’s customized step-by-step over the time we’re together- a minimum of 6 months. As a result, 1:1 work is a bigger investment.

Nourished Postpartum is a hybrid group + 1:1 program. It centers around self-paced educational content (which 1:1 work does not) plus weekly calls and community support. You do receive your own HTMA test and I review the results and build you a protocol based off of them. And it’s all specifically tailored to the postpartum period.

Because of the nature of a group program, Nourished Postpartum can be priced much lower. If you would like more 1:1 support, you’ll have the option within Nourished Postpartum to add a private consult call with me at a discounted rate.

Q: I’ve already done an HTMA- will I need to do another one?

If your last HTMA wasn’t done recently (in the last 3 months) and with the lab I use and prefer (Trace Elements), I’ll have you do a new one inside of the program. Also if you did it during pregnancy, I suggest getting an updated test as well since so much changes through this time.

However, if your test was done recently and with this lab, I can review these results and build your protocol from them. This is especially helpful if you don’t know how to read the results or never had a practitioner read it for you. Then you can save your HTMA kit included in the program to do at a later time (suggested 4-6 months from the prior one). You would, however, need to purchase a session to get another detailed review + protocol updates from me.

Q: Do you offer discounts or payment plans?

I often offer early bird pricing at the start of launch for those on the waitlist, but once that expires/spots fill, I do not offer sales.

I do understand financial constraints, though- this is why offer payment plans including a monthly payment plan + an extended plan!

The cost of this program is an investment and I understand that completely. However I am truly confident in its worth and know its value and promise, you’ll get the best experience for your investment!

And here’s another spin on this question, too, because as you’ll learn- I like to challenge the limiting beliefs we have! We tend to say we can’t afford things when we do actually have the money, but are apprehensive to invest in ourselves. Maybe we’ve got some wonky money mindset from our upbringing. Maybe we’ve spent lots of money on our health before and didn’t get the results we wanted. Maybe we’ve been made to think investing in ourselves as moms is selfish.

But the reality is that making an investment in your health is truly one of the best ones you can make. Especially as a mom, it’s a commitment to not only yourself, but to your family, too. It’s a commitment to your happiness and your capacity to show up fully for yourself and your child/ren. “Selfish” is the last way I’d ever describe it.

Still have more questions? Email me and ask away!

But if you’re ready to go, you can sign up now… and then do a little happy dance to celebrate! Know that I’m honored to support you and so excited to get to know one another!