The Secrets To Nourishing Your Body Postpartum

Real talk: nutrition can be so overwhelming and confusing.

We’re inundated with so much conflicting information from every angle- who do we trust?

Especially after we become moms, deciphering how to properly nourish and care for ourselves can be an even bigger challenge because the main message we get?…

“Be sure to lose that baby weight and “bounce back” as soon as possible!”

(*Insert eye roll here*)

Not only is that really incorrect and super harmful advice that leads to food restriction during what’s actually a very nutrient-demanding period.…

The real life application of a lot of even the most well-intentioned nutrition advice we hear may seem outrageous, even laughable for motherhood (who has time to follow a meal plan, make 14-step recipes, or stress about all those foods?)

And on top of this, we’ve been led to become so disconnected from our bodies, especially as women and even moreso as new moms.

We’re not taught how to love our changed postpartum bodies and deeply respect them for all they’ve done, only hide, shame, and do anything we can do change them.

We’re conditioned to outsource so many aspects of our health, follow a diet’s list of rules to know what to eat and rely on data from smart watches and rings about how we’re sleeping and how stressed we are.

We’re only shown how to ignore or bandaid our symptoms, not how to decipher them and obey the cues our bodies send us.

All of this is a recipe for disaster.

It’s no wonder us moms commonly struggle to care for ourselves and to feel good in motherhood.

It’s no wonder why nourishing our bodies feels like such a monumental task- even a chore.

It’s no wonder why so many of us feel so exhausted, depleted, anxious, irritable, and overwhelmed.

It’s no wonder why we fall victim to quick-fix diets and meal plans providing false promises.

Nourished Postpartum, my 3-month holistic nutritional therapy program for moms, was created to change this.

This program was designed to help you do what’s actually needed to fully nourish yourself and feel good:

  • Simplify the information you’re receiving.

  • Clarify what’s true vs. false (or maybe just not applicable to you).

  • Provide realistic guidance sensitive to postpartum and motherhood.

  • Give you answers and pinpoint root causes of your symptoms.

  • Help you reconnect with your body and its innate wisdom.

  • Guide you to nourish yourself in a way that feels amazing.

  • Reduce your stress around nutrition.

  • Ensure you’re caring for all parts of yourself.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn inside this program:

  • Key foundations of nourishing nutrition tailored to the postpartum years (i.e. the most bang-for-your-buck, low stress foundations and “hacks” to keep you properly fueled including considerations for breastfeeding)

  • Metabolic, thyroid, and adrenal health and ways to sustainably improve energy (even when you’re not getting the sleep you need)

  • The importance of minerals and how to replenish and rebalance yours (with personal guidance from your own Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)

  • The ins and outs of supplements including which ones can help you, which you don’t need, and how to choose

  • Holistic strategies for addressing common postpartum challenges like fatigue, hair loss, poor sleep, low mood, anxiety and other mental health struggles

  • Navigating body changes and weight loss goals after having a baby

  • Understanding and honoring postpartum hormonal changes and address deeper imbalances

  • Restoring fertility and preparing for future pregnancy

  • A deep dive into the nervous system with a realistic approach to managing stress and building resilience

  • Movement and exercise to support this season and help you strengthen and feel good in your body

  • Self care in motherhood that actually works and how to make it happen

Through weekly educational modules, downloadable resources, and live Q&A calls, you'll get the guidance but also the accountability and help you need to tailor it all to your unique experience.

And at the end of these 3 months, you’ll be:

  • Confident in what and how you’re eating to fuel and replenish your body.

  • Excited and joyful about nutrition again.

  • Empowered to do what’s needed to care for yourself.

  • Able to streamline without stressing about the rest.

  • Cool, calm, and collected when it comes to nutrition and health as a mama.

  • The expert in your own body and your healing.

Think about this: What would your life be like if you had the information and support you needed to best nourish yourself so you can truly thrive as a mom?

Nourished Postpartum is hosted twice per year with the next session beginning October 2nd, 2023. Register to secure your spot ASAP and contact me with any questions you may have.