Is Nourished Postpartum The Answer You Need?

Nourished Postpartum was truly created for any new mom- first-time or not- who isn’t feeling good in her body and desperately needs a change. It’s for any new mom who wants to better fuel and care for herself so she can restore her vitality and be fully present with her little one(s). It’s for any new mom in need of a holistic approach to vibrant health in motherhood, but one that fully honors the season she’s in.

And it's definitely for any new mom who feels that in caring so much for her family’s needs, she sometimes gets pushed down the list of priorities.

This program is here to help you trade a depleted, exhausted, stressed, and isolated transition into motherhood for one that’s nourished, nurtured, honored, and supported.

But is it for you?

If any of these are true…

  • You’re struggling to feel anything like yourself since giving birth- even though it’s been months (or years).

  • Life has become a blur of feeding, changing, cleaning, and hardly enough sleep with no space to take care of you.

  • You feel uncomfortable in the changed body you see in the mirror.

  • You hate that you’re so irritable and snappy, but everything just feels so overwhelming.

  • You go through your days exhausted, anxious, and overstimulated, and relying on caffeine to get you through while counting down the hours til bedtime.

  • You’re running on fumes but find yourself so focused on your baby that you forget to eat.

  • You feel like something is off, but your doctor just says “your labs are normal” and doesn’t offer any helpful solutions.

  • Your usual methods of nourishment and self care are no longer working to help you feel better (or don’t feel doable anymore).

  • You’ve “been there, done that” when it comes to diets and supplements and need something that’s sustainable and personalized to your needs and life as a mom.

Then Nourished Postpartum is the program you need.

Because in reality, while we’re each very different- we have unique lives, histories, symptoms, goals, and more- when we look deeper, we actually have more in common than we may realize.

Moms in the first years postpartum go through many of the same changes and challenges. We’re under many of the same demands and require many of the same foundational pieces to replenish and bring harmony to our systems.

And at the end of the day, we truly do share similar needs for holistic nourishment, connection, and care.

Now of course, Nourished Postpartum isn’t for everyone.

So it may not be the program for you if:

  • You just gave birth and are still healing and adjusting.

  • Your child/ren is/are older and you don’t feel you are still “postpartum.”*

  • Your capacity to learn new information and make changes in your life is non-existent right now.

  • You’re on a strict diet you’re not willing to adjust.

  • Your top priority after birth is losing the baby weight.

  • You’re looking for a program that’s focused on baby’s nourishment and care. (We love those babies, but this one’s for us.)

  • You don’t believe that health, healing, and feeling amazing are possible for you.

**Yes, postpartum is forever and I will not turn mamas away, especially those who feel they never truly recovered and replenished after birth! Just know that some topics may not be as relevant to you if you’re more than 5 years postpartum.

Nourished Postpartum is hosted twice per year with the next session beginning October 2nd, 2023. Register now to secure your spot!