Your Guide To a Practical Closet Clean-Out

Here’s an important reality that all women need to understand:

Bodies change.

Especially as we age, especially as we go through seasons of growing and nourishing babies, especially as we experience stressors and other big life changes.

Even as we embark on a healing journey- body changes can be a normal and even helpful part of the path towards improved physical and mental/emotional health.

But society loves to tell us that bodies are supposed to look one (very specific and often unrealistic) way and if they veer from this “norm,” something is inherently wrong with us.

Diet culture has taught us that clothes no longer fitting is a bad thing and we should keep them for “motivation” while we work towards changing our bodies to fit back into them.

All while fast fashion conditions us to buy, buy, buy, continue to accumulate clothes, and never be satisfied by what we have.

Well in case you need to hear it:

Our bodies are not static.

Change is part of being human- and this includes your shape and size as well as other things that impact the clothes you wear such as what you like, how you express yourself, and your lifestyle, too!

Your clothes shouldn’t make you feel bad about yourself- they’re meant to fit your body, not the other way around.

Having a simplified but well-curated wardrobe that fits and flatters your body and feels good to wear is more important than having a million items you don’t really love.

Now might be a great time to audit your wardrobe and make space for the things that fit your body now, align with your preferences now, and help you feel your best.

And while cleaning out your closet can seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t need to be. In the end, it’s not only necessary but also feels extremely liberating.

This post will help you make the process more easy, enjoyable, and productive.

Signs it’s time to clean out your closet and refresh your wardrobe:

  • Getting dressed each day is a struggle and seems to take forever

  • You stand in front of a closet full of clothes and still feel like you have nothing to wear

  • Sometimes, you just don’t bother, staying in PJs or sweats at home all day while you work or care for your kids

  • You find yourself changing outfits multiple times before settling on one

  • You are overwhelmed with options and struggle to make decisions on what to wear

  • You’re body has gone through some changes recently and your clothes don’t fit your current body

  • You don’t feel comfortable or confident in the clothes you have

  • You keep buying new pieces but haven’t gotten rid of anything older

  • You have no space to store anything anymore and your closet/dresser has become a mess

  • You’ve gone through a big life change (new job, becoming a mom, a move, etc.)

  • You simply haven’t done it in a long time

When to do a clean-out:

  • Seasonal changes (i.e. winter to spring, summer to fall)

  • During pregnancy and/or postpartum

  • When preparing to move to a new home/after moving

  • Whenever you feel like it and have the capacity to tackle this project

    • i.e. not when you’re having a low self-esteem day, have just given birth, or have your period because these situations are temporary and may cause you to not only get rid of things you really could keep, but just struggle with the process even more. It shouldn’t be stressful!

Tips for a smooth, productive, and enjoyable experience:

1. Treat it like an audit.

You don’t need to get rid of a million items, but just start with taking inventory of what you have and then taking it from there. Aim to organize items according to what you’ll keep, donate, sell, throw out, or store for the future.

2. Pick a day when you can set aside a few hours for it.

Block your calendar and commit! If you want, you could also take a little bit of time each day over a few days.

3. Gather any supplies you may need.

This includes hangers, boxes, bins, or bags for sorting and storage. Relaxing or upbeat music or a comfort show or movie in the background can help, too!

4. Take everything out.

Remove items from your closet, dresser(s), storage bins, and anywhere else you keep clothes, shoes, and other items. You can dump them on the the bed and/or floor. (This is oddly satisfying, I promise).

5. Assess and sort by section.

Rather than sift through everything at once, have a method. This can mean tackling seasonal items together or by clothing item- i.e. pants, then tops, then shoes, then accessories, etc.

6. Try things on.

Actually putting items on your body rather than just on the hanger or holding them up helps you get a proper assessment not just on how they fit but also how you feel in them.

7. When contemplating the fate of items, ask yourself:

  • Does this actually fit me?

    • When no: Is this worth keeping and revisiting in the future?

  • When was the last time I wore this?

    • If over a year, it’s likely time to get rid of it.

  • Does this reflect who I am as a person today?

  • How do I feel when I wear this? 

  • If I saw this in a store (or on a website) today with fresh eyes, would I buy it?

8. Organize.

Using bins, boxes, bags, or just starting with piles clearly separated, organize items according to:

  • Keep: Items you love that fit and feel good

  • Donate: Items in good condition you won’t wear anymore

  • Sell (optional): Items also in good condition, especially new or like new that you want to re-sell

  • Throw out: Items damaged beyond repair, out of style, etc.

  • Store: Items not in season or you don’t want to say goodbye to just yet. (You can always take them out in the future but there’s no reason for them to taunt you every day when you go to get dressed. This is especially helpful during pregnancy & postpartum!) 

9. Put away your items.

Be intentional about how you store what you’re keeping. If you need to change how you organize your closet, dresser, etc., do it now! You can also take this opportunity to dust and wipe down shelves and drawers and toss broken hangers.

And rather than drive around with donation bags in your car for months (we’ve all been there), take them ASAP. Same goes for re-selling (this may be a task for another day but set time aside for it!)

Extra tips:

  • Enlist help from someone you trust to give honest opinions.

  • Consider moving items to the front of your closet you’ve forgotten you had but want to wear more often.

  • Plan a swap with friends: everyone brings a few items they’re getting rid of and everyone can shop for “new” things.

  • Utilize sites like Poshmark, ThredUp, and Depop for selling pre-loved items

And lastly, especially if your body has changed a lot and you find yourself getting rid of more than you keep, work on slowly adding items you love:

Beginning with classic items and basics that can be worn often and in multiple ways- i.e. a pair of jeans, a pair of plain black leggings, plain colored t-shirts including some oversized and some tighter and/or cropped, a blazer, a neutral colored cardigan, etc.

Shop from “slow fashion” and sustainable brands. You can also shop for pre-used items in larger sizes on re-sale sites or local thrift stores. (You may even find items of your own you’re getting rid of and can just “swap” for a bigger size.)

And lastly, consider buying some less expensive transitional wardrobe pieces if you’re body is still going through changes- don’t wait. This is especially helpful if you’re newly postpartum, are breastfeeding, or are on a weight loss journey.

I hope you loved this post and are inspired to tackle your own closet! I personally do a clean-out at least twice a year. You can shop my pre-loved items here.